
编辑时间: 2016-12-19 15:24:04浏览次数:


201612月起任职于环球360管理网,现为环球360管理网副教授,硕士生导师,环球360管理网教育学一流学科建设发展中心副主任,环球360管理网青年人才促进会会长。E-mail: zhengxedu@163.com


Dr. Xin ZHENG now serves as an associate professor at the Faculty of Education, Southwest University. He obtained his PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include teacher learning, school leadership, student learning, and curriculum reform. He is also a teacher educator, who gains experience in coaching teachers in primary and secondary schools. Courses taught include Professional Development of Principals and Teachers (Doctoral level for international students), Key Literature Reading (Master level for international students) and Basic Principles of Education (Bachelor level).


近年来SSCICSSCI文章(Selected publications

1. Zheng, X. Yin, H., & Wang, X. (2021). “Doing authentic research” with artifacts to facilitate teacher learning across multiple communities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105, 103394. (IF 2020=3.27, SSCI一区

2. 郑鑫. (2021). 从数据到证据:数据运用如何影响教师专业学习. 全球教育展望. 50(3), 75-90.

3. Zheng, X., Yin, H., & Liu, Y. (2021). Are professional learning communities beneficial for teachers? A multilevel analysis of teacher self-efficacy and commitment in China. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 32(2), 197-217.IF 2020=2.15, SSCI三区

4. Zheng, X., Shi, X., & Liu, Y. (2020). Leading teachers' emotions like parents: Relationships between paternalistic leadership, emotional labor and teacher commitment in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 519. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00519. (IF 2020=2.067, SSCI二区)

5. Liu, Y., Hau, K. T., Liu, H., Wu, J., Wang, X., & Zheng, X*. (2020). Multiplicative effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on academic performance: A longitudinal study of Chinese students. Journal of Personality, 88 (3): 584-595.(*通讯作者, IF 2020=3.667, SSCI一区)

6. Liu, Y., Hau, K. T., & Zheng, X. * (2020). Does instrumental motivation help students with low intrinsic motivation? Comparison between Western and Confucian students. International Journal of Psychology, 55(2), 182-191. (*通讯作者, IF 2020=1.255, SSCI三区).

7. Zheng, X. Zhang, J., & Wang, W. (2019). Teacher learning as boundary crossing: A case study of Master Teacher Studios in China. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(7), 837–854. (IF 2019=2.345, SSCI一区) 

8. Zheng, X., Yin, H., & Li, Z. (2019). Exploring the relationships among instructional leadership, professional learning communities and teacher self-efficacy in China. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(6), 843–859. (IF 2019=2.448, SSCI一区)

9. Zheng, X., Yin, H., & Liu, Y. (2019). The relationship between distributed leadership and teacher efficacy in China: The mediation of satisfaction and trust. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(6), 509-518. (IF 2019=0.84, SSCI四区).

10. Liu, Y., Hau, K. T., & Zheng, X*. (2019). Do both intrinsic and identified motivations have long-term effects?. The Journal of Psychology,153(3): 1-19.*通讯作者, IF 2019=1.43, SSCI二区).

11. 郑鑫, 尹弘飚. 美国教育研究协会教师与教学研究的百年脉络[J]. 外国教育研究, 2019, 46(01): 38-50.

12. Zheng, X., Yin, H, & Wang, M. (2018). Leading with teachers’ emotional labour: relationships between leadership practices, emotional labour strategies and efficacy in China. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(8): 965-979. (IF 2018=2.38, SSCI一区)

13. 郑鑫, 沈爱祥尹弘飚教师需要怎样的专业学习共同体?——基于教师教学满意度和教学效能感的调查[J].全球教育展望,2018,47(12):77-88.(人大复印资料全文转载)

14. 郑鑫, 李章林尹弘飚.高职院校师生互动对学生学习方式的影响[J].复旦教育论坛,2018,16(01):64-71.(人大复印资料全文转载)

15. Yin, H., & Zheng, X. (2018). Facilitating professional learning communities in China: Do leadership practices and faculty trust matter?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 76: 140-150. (2018 IF=2.47, SSCI一区)

16. Zheng, X., Yin, H. B., Liu, Y., & Ke, Z. (2016). Effects of leadership practices on professional learning community: The mediation role of trust in colleagues. Asia Pacific Education Review, 17(3):521-523. (IF 2016=0.86, SSCI三区).

17. 郑鑫,尹弘飚,王晓芳. 跨越教师学习的边界[J].教育发展研究, 2015, 35(10): 59-65.(人大复印资料全文转载)

18. 郑鑫, 张佳. 中西方教师专业学习共同体的差异:跨文化比较的视角[J].外国教育研究, 2015, 42(08): 83-94.

19. 郑鑫, 尹弘飚分布式领导概念实践与展望[J].全球教育展望, 2015, 44(02): 96-106.(人大复印资料全文转载)

20. 郑鑫, 张文华. 新加坡教师专业学习共同体:政策、理念与实施[J].外国中小学教育, 2015(08): 45-52.

21. 郑鑫, 尹弘飚教学领导的再度兴盛?—兼论西方教育领导研究的转向[J].比较教育研究, 2014, 36(10): 21-25+36.(人大复印资料全文转载)

22. 郑鑫, 平亚茹课程改革中教师主动改变的表现及原因[J].中国教育学刊, 2014(07): 85-88.



1. 郑鑫. 高校拔尖创新人才培养的课程设计[M]//靳玉乐, 王牧华 等著. 高校拔尖创新人才培养的经验与探索. 重庆:西南师范大学出版社,2020: 219-240.

2. 参编:靳玉乐, 罗生全 编改革开放40年中国教育学科新发展·课程与教学论卷[M]. 北京高等教育出版社, 2019.

3. 靳玉乐, 张铭凯郑鑫. 核心素养及其培育[M]. 南京江苏人民出版社, 2019.

4. 郑鑫. (2019, November). 如何在国际语境中讲中国校长领导的故事?.第三节教育治理及学校变革国际会议上海华东师范大学.

5. 郑鑫. (2018, October). 从数据到证据:数据运用如何影响教师专业学习. 第四届全国教育实证论坛上海华东师范大学.

6. Zheng, XTeacher Learning as Boundary Crossing: A Case Study of Master Teacher Studio in China. Paper presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

7. 郑鑫, 尹弘飚校本课程领导[M]// 李臣之 编校本课程开发北京北京师范大学出版社, 2015: 217-254.



1. 全国教育科学规划2021年度国家青年基金项目:基础教育教研体系的中国经验及国际传播研究(CDA210251),20万元,进行中。

2.  中央高校基本科研业务费2021年度重点项目:西部高校来华留学生课程学习经历及教学质量提升研究(SWU2109216),10万元,进行中。

3.  20187-20209月:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“全球化背景下我国中小学教师跨界学习的文化生态研究18YJC8801458万元,已结项。

4.  2018年重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目:基于课程学习与师生互动调查的大学生学习质量提升研究(183160),2万元,已结项。

5. 环球360管理网教育教学改革项目:基于学生课程学习经历调查的本科教学质量提升研究(2016JY032),0.8万元,已结项。



1. 香港教育大学亚太变革与领导研究中心(Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change)兼职研究员。教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地环球360管理网西南民族教育与心理研究中心研究员。

2. Teaching and Teacher EducationEducational Management Administration & LeadershipLearning and Individual DifferencesEducational PsychologyThe Journal of PsychologyJournal of Education for TeachingChildren and Youth Services ReviewThe Asia-Pacific Education ResearcherAsia Pacific Education ReviewFrontiers in PsychologyInternational Journal of Leadership in EducationECNU Review of EducationInternational Journal of Chinese Education、华东师范大学学报(教育学科学版)、教育学报(香港)等杂志审稿人(peer reviewer)。

3. 美国教育研究协会(AERA)、世界教育研究协会(WERA)等会议论文评审人。

4. 重庆市巴南区鱼洞第四小学教育集团科研副校长(2016-2020),重庆市巴南区中小学名师培养项目负责人(2016-2019)。

5. 美国教育研究协会(AERA)会员、国际比较教育协会(CIES)、澳大利亚教育协会(AARE)会员。

6. 曾获研究生国家奖学金(2013)、北京市优秀毕业生(2013)、北京师范大学优秀毕业生(2013)等称号。