Francis Stonier

编辑时间: 2021-01-20 09:07:23浏览次数:

弗朗西斯•斯东尼尔(Francis Stonier)博士,美国籍,环球360管理网“聚贤工程”引进海外高端人才,环球360管理网课程教学研究院(全职)教授。从事教育职业20余年。进入高校工作前,曾在美国公立学校担任过5年二年级教师。此后一直在美国和中国的大学担任教员从事教学及科研工作。具备心理学和幼儿教育理学学士学位、教育硕士学位、工商管理硕士学位、课程和教学博士学位以及地理信息系统(GIS)研究生证书。




Dr. Francis (Frank) Stonier is an Associate Professor at Southwest University in the School of Curriculum and Instruction.  He has been a professional educator for over 20 years. Prior to working in higher education, he was a 2nd grade teacher for public schools for 5 years. Since that time, he has worked for both American and Chinese universities in a faculty position. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Early Childhood Education, a Masters in Education, a Master of Business Administration, a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, and a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

His current primary research interest is in STEM/STEAM education in China.  In line with that, he has conducted professional developments and course instruction for in-service and pre-service teachers both at the elementary and kindergarten level, provided training classes for children and parents, consulted with: schools, companies, and museums, given international presentations, and is developing STEM/STEAM courses to be offered at the university level.  Additionally, he also works with both Chinese and international students concerning research methods and academic writing. Some of his other research interests include multicultural/international education, distance education, hands-on learning, and GIS.

Dr.  Stonier is proud to be an international faculty member contributing where he can throughout the faculty of education.